Have difficulty sitting still Get distracted easily Have tactile sensitivities Have trouble concentrating Could use some help with relaxation Have difficulty with calming down Have difficulty getting to sleep Would enjoy being massaged |
Cordless and battery operated (no dangerous electrical wires) Compact and lightweight Smaller shaped pillows made for smaller bums Smaller shaped pillows fit in smaller chairs and booster seats Different shaped pillows for different needs Bright and fun colors for kids Tactile vinyl or furry covers |
Thin layers of poly foam inside so sitting is comfy! Zippered sides to replace batteries Vibrating unit is a self contained unit with a secure door to the batteries Vinyl material for easy cleaning and sharing Vinyl is water resistant (not water proof) Vibe unit can be removed if desired and is replaceable |
"From calming to arousing, vibrating pillows are becoming a popular way to provide tactile input. Vibration has many therapeutic benefits for people of all ages, with or without disabilities or sensory processing disorders. These pillows are a comfortable and convenient way to provide soothing, regulating and healing effects to any part of your body. In particular, children with sensory processing disorders / sensory integration dysfunction enjoy, and often need or crave, the input these pillows provide. For the under sensitive child, the pillows can provide the absolute necessary input to help calm and regulate their system. For the oversensitive child, it can be a tool to help increase their tolerance to tactile input. Either way, its uses within the scope of a sensory processing disorder are invaluable. Adults can also benefit from the therapeutic healing and relaxation powers of these massage pillows. They are a most comfortable way to target certain areas of the body that need to be soothed and comforted. You can put these pillows on sore tired muscles; neck, shoulders, feet, legs, or your back. Relaxation will come, muscle spasms and soreness will fade! Although targeted to the specific area which is in contact with the pillow, its calming and relaxing effects will certainly impact the entire sensory system as each part relaxes. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good vibration massage?" |
"Vibration healing uses mechanically produced vibrations to attempt to treat various injuries and illnesses. It is a treatment that has been around for centuries. Vibration healing is not widely accepted by many in the medical community, but in some cases it is making its way into main stream medicine. The ancient Greeks used vibration to treat symptoms of arthritis and bruising. This was originally accomplished by the physician having an assistant hold a board over the affected area, while the physician sawed the board. Horse rides were later used, and eventually a special cart with uneven wheels was made so the patient would experience more vibration. Early in the 19th century, mechanical devices were invented to deliver vibration to the body. A physician held the device to the affected area or slowly moved it over the entire body, and a crank was simultaneously turned on the device. This vibration healing was used to treat crippling disorders such as arthritis, nervous disorders, and aided in digestion and circulation. In 1875, the first steam-driven vibrator was created. This was a large machine that could accommodate several patients at a time. Long rods would beat the patients, producing vibrations. In addition to the full-body machine, there was one made to rotate the arms and legs. A hand-held, battery-operated vibrator was also invented in 1875. This was made possible by recently invented vibrators powered by alternating electric current and dry cell batteries. These devices could all be held in the hand, and could be applied to a large or small area. The Russian space program began using vibration healing in the 1960s to reduce bone loss in astronauts, who have a higher incidence of bone fractures and density loss than people who have never been in outer space. Currently, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) also uses vibration healing to increase the bone mass of astronauts. Similar therapies may also benefit the general population. Osteoporosis is a common ailment of post-menopausal women, leading to fractures and high medical costs. Other ailments treated by vibration healing include arthritis and fibromyalgia. Arthritis is a common ailment in the elderly population and can lead to permanent crippling due to joint damage. Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic pain in joints, muscles, and other tissues of the body. Some practitioners claim that vibration healing is also good for cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and ulcers. Modern vibration healing is carried out by massage, physical, and occupational therapists, as well as some independent practitioners of alternative medicine. A small, hand-held device is used on localized areas. For generalized healing, a vibrating chair is used. Sessions typically last from 20 minutes to one hour and continue until symptoms are gone, or used indefinitely for preventative measures." |